The Southern Trust is currently holding a two-week consultation on a proposal to alter car parking charges at Craigavon Area Hospital.
The plans propose to decrease the charge for parking up to 70 minutes from £1.20 to 40p whilst increasing charges from 70 minutes up to two hours by 20p.
Hospital car parking charges were first introduced to the Southern Trust in 2009. Car parks closer to main hospital buildings are designated as charged car parks for the convenience of patients and visitors, while staff and those who do not wish to pay can use other parking around the site.
Anita Carroll, Assistant Director for Functional Support Services said: “Car parking is an ongoing challenge on our busy hospital sites.
“As always, we welcome the views of those who use our car parks in making this decision and encourage patients, staff and visitors to share their views.”
Sinn Fein MLA John O’Dowd raised concerns over the Trust’s “removal from best practice” regarding their consultation times.
He commented: “I have asked the Minister for Health why the Southern Trust have departed from best practice in regards public consultations by holding a two week consultation instead of an eight week consultation into proposed car parking changes at Craigavon Hospital.”
You can share your views on the proposals by contacting 028 3756 2847 or email anita.carroll@southerntrust.hscni.net.