Fun runners and athletes of all abilities are being encouraged to lace up their trainers and register for the free Virtual ABC 10k Run.
The virtual run which is being organised in place of the annual Craigavon Lakes 10k race is being organised by Armagh City Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and supported by Banbridge Athletics Club and Armagh Athletics Club.
Participants will have between June 19 – 27 2021 to complete their 10k run using a route of their choice which is safe and suitable for walking or running.
For many of our current 5km – 10km participants this run will be the culmination of a 10-week training programme which sees them achieve their 10km run – certainly no mean feat!
Participants who complete the 10km run between June 19 – 27 and who submit evidence of their run will be eligible to receive a medal which will be posted to their home address. There are also a number of spot prizes for participants available including vouchers from GetActiveABC, Café IncreadABLE at South Lake Leisure Centre and Rushmere Shopping Centre.
Spot prize categories include:
– best family involvement photo – a photo showing full family involvement in the 10k run
– most creative DIY finish line photo – a photo showing your own creative finish line to celebrate the 10k run in style
– showcasing the ‘Best of the Borough’ photo – a photo showing the participant making use of the Borough’s fantastic parks or open spaces for the 10k run
As with many activity challenges of this type many participants use the opportunity to raise money for a charity of their choice which is a fantastic incentive to help push you along as you pound the pavement.
The first 200 individuals to register will be guaranteed a medal. The closing date for entries is Friday June 18, 2021. For further information and to register, please click the following link.
Virtual ABC 10k Run
For any further queries, please contact: sportsdevelopment@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk