The Southern Trust has confirmed that a fourth patient, who was treated on the Haematology Ward at Craigavon Area Hospital, and who tested positive for Covid-19, sadly passed away this morning (Monday).
Trust Chief Executive, Mr Shane Devlin said: “On behalf of the Trust I extend my deepest sympathy to the patient’s family and friends.”
Senior officials from the Trust have today updated the Minister, Departmental colleagues and Public Health officials on action taken by the Trust to date.
The Minister will be addressing the situation later this afternoon in the Assembly. A further detailed update on the outbreaks will be published by the Trust tomorrow.
Last week, John Fleming, from Loughgilly and Alice McShane from Derrymacash passed away last week. They both were patients on the hospital’s Haematology Ward and died as a result of Covid.
A third Covid positive patient, discharged from the hospital, passed away but their death was not directly linked to the coronavirus.
Read more: 141 new Covid cases in NI as child tests positive at Armagh primary school
SDLP MLA Justin McNulty this afternoon said he had met with Southern Trust Chief Executive Mr Devlin earlier today seeking answers about the Covid outbreaks at Craigavon Area Hospital.
“I sought an assurance that an independent investigation will take place promptly,” he said. “John Fleming and Alice McShane’s families and other families deserve answers.”