A Lurgan man employed by Poundstretcher who made false refunds to make off with £800 did so because he was under “financial pressure”.
The 28-year-old’s solicitor told court: “He has since found a new job in factory. There is no handling of money and he is on twice the wages he was on.”
Neil Donohoe, of Lurgan Tarry, appeared for sentencing on fraud by abuse of position at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court.
Prosecution outlined that on October 22, Poundstretcher began an investigation into fraud at their Lurgan store after irregularities in refunds at the branch.
Using CCTV and receipts an employee, the defendant, was identified as being the culprit.
When questioned, Donohoe admitted to defrauding the business out of £800 between August and October by making false refunds and taking money out of the till.
The defendant cited his reason for doing this as being financial pressures and the items of evidence were handed over to the police.
When interviewed by police, Donohoe made full admissions and said that he made plans to repay the money to the company.
Defence solicitor Pat Vernon stated: “He was earning a very basic wage. He was under financial pressures and instructs he was basically living day by day. He fully accepts he gave into temptation.”
District Judge Steven Keown commented: “This was over a three month period which demonstrates premeditated risk taking.”
Mr Vernon said: “He accepts this was not a one off. At the time he was still owed a full month’s wages. This was used to refund the money taken and he lost his job.
“He has since found a new job in factort. There is no handling of money and he is on twice the wages he was on.”
Donohoe was sentenced to a 12 months probation order.