Craigavon’s new multi-million pound leisure centre could be named to mark the 100th anniversary of the formation of Northern Ireland.
It will, that is, if a DUP notice of motion – calling for it to be named the ‘Centenary Leisure Centre’ – finds unanimous backing.
The party’s group leader Councillor Mark Baxter confirmed he would table the motion at the monthly meeting of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, which is due to take place non Monday.
And speaking ahead of that meeting, Councillor Baxter told Armagh I : “Our country celebrates a great milestone on the 21st May next year, our 100th anniversary as a nation within the United Kingdom.
“Given the current economic situation, we discussed as a party a fitting and inexpensive way to mark this significant anniversary, so we will propose that the council will officially name the new leisure centre in Craigavon at the south lake as the ‘Centenary Leisure Centre’.
“No official name had ever been discussed until this week so we feel it’s very timely.
“This is an iconic building within our borough and indeed will be the most modern centre within Northern Ireland.
“We all look forward to the grand opening which will be a very welcome investment to the area.”
The motion, which is seconded by Alderman Stephen Moutray and signed by all DUP councillors, also seeks that “Her Majesty The Queen or her representative” would be invited along to “officially open this iconic facility”.