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Drunk man was screaming, spitting and kicking at paramedics who helped after he was hit by car

Court told ambulance driver had been unable to complete shift after being kicked by defendant

Ambulance at night

A Craigavon man who assaulted two paramedics who picked him up after being knocked down by a car has been sentenced to four months in prison.

Court heard the 29-year-old was screaming, spitting and kicking at the staff of a local hospital when police arrived.

Robert Wilson, 29, of Ardowen, pleaded guilty to two counts of common assault, criminal damage and disorderly behaviour at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday, via videolink from Maghaberry.

Court heard that on January 25, at around 8.30pm, police received reports of a male patient being violent at Craigavon Area Hospital.

When officers arrived they found the defendant screaming, spitting and kicking at staff.

They spoke to a paramedic who stated Wilson had attempted several times to strike them in the back of an ambulance.

The driver of the vehicle stopped to assist this paramedic and was subsequently kicked in the leg by the defendant.

This male was left being unable to complete the rest of his shift and was sent home.

During the altercation in the ambulance, court heard that Wilson damaged an armrest.

When interviewed, the defendant claimed to have no memory of the incident and wished to apologise to the staff.

Defence barrister Joel Lindsay stated: “Mr Wilson was picked up by an ambulance after being struck by a car and has apologised from the outset.

“He is particularly disgusted by his behaviour as he used to work at a hospital.”

Mr Lindsay said: “I hope that he is given credit for his plea, as soon as he sobered up he held his hands up to the offence.

District Judge Bernie Kelly stated: “It is hard enough for these men and women getting up to go to work every day without having to be filled with dread of meeting the Mr Wilsons of this world.”

Mr Lindsay said: “Upon his arrest, I told Mr Wilson to put his head down and sober up, to his credit he has worked hard at this.”

District Judge Kelly told the defendant: “This is a very serious offence which is aggravated by the fact that it was on members of the paramedic staff.”

Wilson was sentenced to four months in prison for all of the offences.

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