A number of people – armed with an angle grinder – broke into the Tullygally shopping complex in Craigavon.
Police are investigating the break in which occurred between the hours of 11pm on New Year’s Day and 7am on January 2.
It is believed that an unknown number of persons have attempted to gain access.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “Damage was caused to a rear door of the property and it is suspected that a power tool similar to an angle grinder was used to cause this damage.
“Thankfully the business is still able to serve the local community, however this incident could have been a lot worse where the business could have lost their livelihood and the local community losing a valuable resource.”
If you believe you may have seen, heard or have any information regarding the above, please contact Police on 101 and quote reference number: 420 of 02/01/2022. Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.