An amazing 200 residents from right across the borough persevered through the cold, wet weather and some sore feet to graduate with flying colours from ABC Council’s first virtual Couch to 5K programme this month.
During the eight-week programme, participants aged from 16 to 77 years old laced up their trainers three times per week and determinedly worked their way from beginners to seasoned distance runners.
Starting with a mixture of walking and running, participants gradually built up their stamina and fitness levels – seeing their overall running time increase week-on-week. Participants were continually spurred on by the virtual help, support and encouragement of their coaches and fellow participants.
Passing on his congratulations, Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Councillor Kevin Savage commented: “On behalf of council I would like to applaud each and every one of our new Couch to 5K graduates for not only completing this fantastic achievement but for also sticking with it and not giving up – you should be incredibly proud of yourselves!
“What is more, it is really heartening to see such a brilliant uptake to our first virtual Couch to 5K programme, particularly at a time when the importance and benefits of physical activity to everyone’s overall health and wellbeing cannot be overstated.
“I wish all our new graduates every success in their continued running journeys.”
Not letting all the hard work go to waste, our new runners will continue to receive encouragement and support to help them keep up their new found habit and even challenge themselves further in their post Couch to 5K life.
Are you a runner keen to progress from 5km to 10km? Keep an eye out for our new programme coming soon!
The Virtual Couch to 5K programme was delivered in conjunction with Sport NI as part of the Everybody Active 2020 Programme.
To find out more about running development programmes across the council area, contact Amanda Mogey, Assistant Sports Development Officer at amanda.mogey@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk.