The ABC Borough has gone into overdrive in its tourism marketing campaign, having teamed up with flagship destinations The Games of Thrones Studio Tour and The Boulevard.
The borough has also harnessed the expertise of Tourism Ireland to target various markets, and the approach is paying off, with 42 potential visitors reached for every pound spent.
One of the highlights for the year 2023/24 was the Food and Cider Festival campaign which achieved 101 pieces of media coverage and generated £30,000 of ticket sales for industry partners.
The borough was represented at 10 Tourism Ireland/Tourism Northern Ireland business to business (B2B) platforms, including at the Senses of Ireland (Canada), World Travel Market, Best of Britain and Ireland Marketplace (London), and Celtic Connections (Scotland).
A particular highlight was the Incoming Tour Operator Association Workshop hosted in Armagh.
It was attended by in excess of 100 international tour operators aiming to do business with providers in the borough and beyond.
The estimated direct value of the event to the ABC Borough was in excess of £70,000.
Currently, 70% of the borough’s B2B visitors are from north America. In 2024, two new tour operator series were secured.
To date, B2B bookings are up 20% compared with 2023 levels, with an anticipated direct revenue for businesses of £350,000 forecast for 2024.
Speaking at a recent Economic Development & Regeneration Committee meeting, Tourism manager, Sara McGeary explained that ABC Borough Council has ambitious plans regarding tourism growth.
She said: “Our work is really aimed at raising the profile of the borough as a brilliant place to visit and stay overnight, driving both footfall and growth for our businesses.
“Over the course of the year we delivered nine consumer seasonal and festival campaigns supported by a targeted communications plan.
“During the course of last year the borough and its businesses were represented at a number of international, national and regional sales events that are organised by Tourism Ireland in conjunction with Tourism Northern Ireland, and these sales events really provide us and our partner businesses with the opportunity to present their products to tour operators and agents who have clients from across the world.
“Feedback from our businesses has highlighted that in terms of B2B bookings, they’re up 20% in the 2024 year to date, compared with 2023.
“We will continue to deliver fresh, innovative consumer campaigns on B2B sales activity, in order to drive awareness profile and bookings for businesses in the borough.
“We will continue our efforts to target free media coverage and ensure that all our content is attractive to potential visitors.
“We will work finally with partners to deliver more marketable experiences to add to our existing portfolio of experiences.”
Committee chairman, Alderman Paul Greenfield (DUP, Banbridge DEA) was clearly impressed with progress to date: “It’s great to hear that for every pound spent there’s a potential of 42 visitors, and that’s what we’re wanting, more and more people into our borough.”
Alderman Paul Berry (Independent, Cusher DEA) hails from Tandragee, and he was quick to remind fellow councillors that Tayto Castle is a major tourism attraction in itself.
“It’s always good to read exactly what is happening, because so many times we can see the PR at a local level, but I think it’s good to see it actually down in black and white in relation to how we’re performing, especially in that whole Food and Cider Festival campaign, and tourism in general,” he said.
“Even the Chronicles of Armagh BBC series was thoroughly enjoyable and it was putting a really good positive light on the area in general – everybody was glued to it to make sure they watched every part of it.
“In relation to all the social media aspect – being very selfish and being very parochial here – I think it would be good in relation to that whole Food Heartland side of things if we could link up now with Tayto, the big crisps supplier [because] their tours are now open again.
“I’ve spoken to people who have been over from Surrey and Kent, and even today from Downpatrick, a group of ladies so 14 to 15 people, and the good thing about it was they’re supporting the local eateries.
“I know they’re booked out at the minute but it is a really good wee boost there at a tourism local level, and I think it would be good to see how we could maybe factor that in when it comes to promoting the area.”