Limewood in Banbridge is the latest area in the borough to establish an official ‘Neighbourhood Watch’ scheme.
The move is thanks to a collaboration between Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Policing and Community Safety Partnership, PSNI and local residents.
As one of the largest and most well-known crime preventative initiatives, the Neighbourhood Watch scheme encourages improved home security, greater vigilance and fosters community spirit to help protect local residents and their property.
The scheme addresses the concerns of local residents, while also raising awareness of suspicious activity, vehicles or bogus callers, enabling all residents to play their part in helping the police reduce crime in the area.
“Neighbourhood Watch is a partnership between the police and local communities, which aims to help people protect themselves and their property and also reduce the fear of crime,” said ABC PCSP Chair, Councillor Joe Nelson.
“Currently there are 180 accredited schemes in operation across the borough, demonstrating how collaborative partnerships can help tackle crime related problems, and I would encourage the wider community to consider becoming involved in such schemes.”
The Neighbourhood Watch scheme is open to everyone, which means you can play your part in helping your community and the police reduce crime, while bringing your community closer together.
For more information on Neighbourhood Watch visit psni.police.uk/my-area/neighbourhood-watch/