Bike at the ready and set for the road… Armagh’s champion fundraiser is set to test his pedal power as he cycles the distance between two destinations closely linked by our patron saint.
Raising money for good causes is like riding the proverbial bike for Willie Nugent – and that is exactly what he is planning to do!
Armagh is home to two cathedrals which are named for St Patrick.
And Downpatrick, in Co Down, meanwhile, is where Patrick is buried.
Now Willie Nugent is ‘gearing up’ to cycle between the two – and as always a cause close to his heart will be the ‘wheelie’ big winner!
The countdown is on and Willie will be hitting the road on Wednesday, September 18.
Starting off at St Patrick’s Grave in Downpatrick, he intends to cycle all the way to St Patrick’s Cathedral in Armagh.
Willie has started his own GoFundMe page and the money raised will go towards the 150th Anniversary Appeal of St Patrick’s Cathedral.
Fr Barry Matthews was, therefore, delighted this week to join Willie on the steps of the Cathedral and offer a few words of encouragement as he prepares for his mammoth undertaking.
Willie is no stranger to two wheels and for years has been seen riding his trusty bike all around Armagh.
Stick with what you know, they often tell you, and the man’s doing just that, for he has a great love of cycling and it’s one which was fostered from many moons ago!
“There’s nothing I enjoy more than cycling,” Willie told Armagh I.
“My first job before I left school, when I was just 13 years of age, was riding a message bike for John Farrell’s grocery shop in Railway street, delivering groceries to the Mill Row, Gilleis Row and Primrose ,to name but a few.
“That was back in the early 60s and I have been cycling ever since.
“My longest cycle was from Armagh to Knock in Co Mayo and back again.”
That was during Pope John Paul II’s visit to Ireland in 1979.
So now, on Wednesday, September 18, it is fitting that he is planning to cycle between Downpatrick and Armagh for the Cathedral’s 150th Anniversary appeal.
Added Willie: “If anyone would like to support my cycle you can leave a donation in the Parish Office or go to my GoFundMe page.
“Even a small donation could help me reach my fundraising goal and, if you can’t make a donation, it would be great if people could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.
“Thank-you to everyone for their continuing support.”
To donate to Willie’s fundraiser via GoFundMe click here.