As of 5pm today (Friday), the BT60 postcode will be under tighter restrictions.
That means residents in Keady, Markethill, Whitecross, Mountnorris and Killylea will be legally obliged to follow the additional measures.
However, slightly more confusing is the fact the BT60 postcode splits Armagh city in half, as it does Hamiltonsbawn.
This effectively means up to six people from two households can meet indoors in Drumadd Terrace but those living across the road in Killuney Drive – it’s a no-no!
Similarly for residents in Desart Lane and Convent Road, on either side of the Cathedral Road.
Residents living on either side of the post office in Hamiltonsbawn face the same dilemma – and the guidance does not make it clear if you can enter a household not in BT60, if you yourself are living in BT60.
What are the restrictions?
– no mixing of households in private dwellings, with exemptions for:
– bubbling with one other household
– caring responsibilities including childcare
– essential maintenance
– supported living arrangements
– visits required for legal or medical purposes
– marriage or civil partnership ceremony in a private dwelling where one partner is terminally ill
– no more than six people to gather in a private garden from no more than two households
Is there also guidance about travel, visits to hospitals and care homes?
That’s correct. Everything apart from household mixing is covered by guidance not regulation.
Anyone living in these areas is asked to be very mindful of the risks of spreading the virus by travel. That includes, wherever possible, avoid travelling outside your area for indoor household visits.
If you feel you need to travel outside your area for any other reason, satisfy yourself that it can be done in a safe and socially distanced fashion. Don’t put yourself or others at risk.
In addition, care homes and hospitals in these areas will be advised to significantly curtail visits as soon as practicable. One member of a family will be permitted a visit once a week while these localised restrictions apply. More frequent visits may be permitted in exceptional circumstances, including palliative care facilities and those receiving end of life care.
What should older and medically vulnerable people do?
Medically vulnerable and older people living in these areas are asked to be particularly careful in following the advice on limiting household contacts, social distancing, hand washing and wearing a face covering, given the local levels of Covid-19.
We are not reintroducing guidance to shield at this time – shielding remains paused.
Why is the Executive doing this?
This is about stopping the spread of Covid-19 and saving lives. Positive cases are rising in Northern Ireland, particularly in these areas.
The virus spreads when people are in contact. This an attempt to reduce contacts.
While Covid-related hospital admissions are low at present, it is believed these will rise as the growing infection rates increasingly spread into older and more vulnerable sections of our community.
Sadly, we have already seen the catastrophic consequences when the virus gets into care homes and hospital wards.
I live in one of these affected areas, am I effectively in lockdown?
No, this is not a lockdown. Let’s be very clear about that. The new restrictions are focused on reducing contacts between people in household settings. That’s what the regulations will deal with.
Anything else is for guidance only.
When it comes to issues like travel, socialising outside of the home, work, shopping, attending weddings or other functions, people should use their discretion and common sense. Continue to work from home if you can. Ask yourself how important a journey or other planned activity is to you. How much additional risk would it bring to you or others? How difficult would it be to maintain social distancing?
Remember that positive tests are particularly high in your area and bear that in mind in relation to everything you do. Be really careful and keep yourself and others safe. Maintain social distancing, wash your hands and wear a face covering when required.
We all have to try to strike the right balance in our daily lives as we continue to manage and mitigate the Covid-19 risks.
So can people leave a restricted area – or travel into one – for work, to go shopping, eat in a restaurant etc?
Yes. This will still be permitted under the new regulations. If you have to travel for work purposes into or out of these areas, then do so. Likewise, businesses in these areas are still open for business. This not a lockdown. We’re just asking people to be ultra-careful and always be mindful of the Covid rates in particular areas. Ask yourself how important a planned activity is to you.
So I can meet people in a pub or restaurant but not in my own home?
The restrictions are about reducing interactions between people. Reducing household contacts is viewed by the Executive as the most effective way to achieve that at this time.
Hospitality businesses will continue to be subject to strict guidance, regulation and appropriate enforcement where necessary.
By focussing new restrictions on households rather than businesses, is this not putting the economy ahead of health?
In common with other administrations, the Executive is seeking to protect both public health and the local economy. This is a difficult challenge and there are no easy options.
It should always be remembered that unemployment, poverty and economic deprivation have serious consequences for people’s physical and mental health.
Will these restrictions not be bad for business in the areas affected?
Covid-19 is bad for business. Rapidly rising rates of infection are very bad for business and for employees. The Executive is bringing in restrictions now to try to slow and stop a worrying increase in cases.
If we can get back on top of the situation, we can avoid more drastic actions down the line. Doing nothing would be really bad for business.
Are schools going to close in the areas covered by restrictions?
No. Keeping schools open is a major priority for the Executive. Introducing restrictions in other areas of life can help protect schools and keep them open.
Are other education settings affected?
Higher and further education, and early learning/ childcare settings are not affected by these measures.
I don’t live in an affected area, so I can just ignore all this?
No – the restrictions will be kept under constant review and areas can be added or removed from the list, depending on their Covid rates.
Everyone has to keep playing their part and strictly follow public health advice, whether you live in these areas or not. Covid-19 rates of infection can increase rapidly and with catastrophic consequences.
You must continue to follow the general advice that applies to the whole of Northern Ireland.
Why did the Executive not just apply the restrictions to the whole of Northern Ireland?
The Executive had that option. However, there is a marked variation in the incidence of cases in different localities across Northern Ireland. A targeted approach is more proportionate and keeps disruption to a minimum.
It is also hoped that a geographically targeted approach will help create a clear incentive for widespread compliance with public health advice.
Why is the whole of the Belfast City Council area covered?
The restrictions are being applied for postcodes which currently have levels of Covid cases at or above those where local restrictions have been imposed elsewhere in the UK and Ireland.
A number of Belfast Council postcodes fall into this category. The Executive has decided to apply restrictions across the entire Belfast City council boundaries, reflecting the level of population movement across the city, including by public transport.
What about children whose parents do not live in the same household?
Children whose parents do not live in the same household can move between homes as normal.
Places of worship, marriages, civil partnerships and funerals
No changes have been made to the operation of places of worship.
Marriages and civil partnerships can continue to take place, in line with the current restrictions.
*Guidance from the official Executive website.