How’s this for a mini milk?
Co Armagh farmer Aaron Taylor was stunned at this latest arrival on Saturday.
It stands scarcely knee-high and picked the most inopportune time to put in an appearance at a farm in the Ballylane area.
Aaron – who admits to being relatiely new to farming – said experienced farmers were ‘udderly’ excited at the size of the little mite.
He told Armagh I : “They have never seen anything like it. It”s the smallest calf that I or anyone else locally has ever seen.
“She was born yesterday morning, without any help.
“She should be nearly double the size.
“She’s out of a Galloway Charloais cross and the father is unknown, but possibly a Galloway or Charloais or a cross-breed.”
She has already made a friend in the family’s pet, a Jack Russell named Lulu.
Said Aaron: “The dog gets on OK with her but the goats in the field don’t let the dog stay in the field too long.”
The proud owner is thrilled with his newly-delivered calf – but admits he has not yet come up with a name.
“She is a wee beauty. There’s no names yet but there’s quite a few family members and friends giving out suggestions,” Aaron laughed.