A serious road traffic collision at a dangerous junction in Armagh on Friday morning has prompted further calls for immediate action.
A two-vehicle collision occurred along the Monaghan Road, at the junction with Umgola, just before 8.30am.
Fortunately there were no serious injuries reported.
However, it is the latest smash at this junction and an issue which was highlighted back in January.
“I have reported this many times but the junction is extremely dark and dangerous for the heavy pedestrian footfall that uses this area for walking,” said Sinn Féin Councillor Garath Keating.
“Also the 30mph zone really needs to be extended out the Monaghan Road (in the direction of Milford) past that junction, together with the installation of a traffic island to try and increase safety.
“There have been numerous accidents at this junction and it is only a matter of time before someone is killed here.”
He added: “The junction is a frequently used right turn for vehicles coming off the Monaghan road and onto the Umgola Road. This poses a significant danger when the oncoming traffic is travelling at 60mph, together with the risk posed by fast moving / overtaking vehicles entering into the 60mph leaving the City boundary.”
In response to Councillor Keating, Transport NI – in April – said the location had been visited and assessed and “unfortunately it did not score highly enough to warrant any scheme to take place here at the current time”.
Following the latest crash on Friday, Councillor Keating said “it really is now time for action before someone is killed at this junction”.