Thousands will descend of Armagh this Friday for the annual St Patrick’s Day parade.
The ecclesiastical capital of Ireland – home of two cathedrals dedicated to the one saint – plays host to one of the biggest parades in Northern Ireland.
The main procession kicks off at 1.30pm for the Palace Demesne, with a theme of Myths and Legends.
The parade will be a spectacular display of colour, music, dance and entertainment for all to enjoy as the wonderful procession snakes it way through the city centre.
The procession route is from the Palace Demesne, Irish Street, Ogle Street, Thomas Street, Market Street, Market Street and English Street, onto Cathedral Road, past the Shambles Market before finishing at the grounds of Cathedral Road Recreation Centre.
Crowds gathering in Armagh City Centre will be entertained by a full programme of music.
Beginning the afternoon at 12.30pm will be Malachy O’Neill and local band Hatchjaw.
After the procession passes through, the afternoon will continue with the fabulous All Folk’d Up.
Your MC for the afternoon is broadcaster Lynette Fay.