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Sinn Féin deputy leader joins party candidates for the ABC Council borough in Craigavon

Sinn Fein candidates

Sinn Féin deputy leader Michelle O’Neill paid a visit to Craigavon on Thursday as party candidates for the upcoming local elections handed in their nomination papers.

Ms O’Neill was joined by MLAs Cathal Boylan and John O’Dowd as the party prepare for polling day on May 2.

Ms O’Neill said: “Today we nominated our candidates for the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Council area; candidates that will be coming to your door to ask for your support.

“Sinn Féin are the only party that can deliver citizens rights locally and also represent you at a national level. So on the 2nd of May, come out and vote for these excellent candidates who will do their very best by you and by our national interest.”

Ms O’Neill was joined at the nomination procedures by senior party colleagues John O’Dowd MLA for Upper Bann, and Newry/Armagh MLA Cathal Boylan.

Mr O’Dowd said: “Sinn Féin faces into the local government elections with the objective of electing candidates for change. Candidates who will be advocates for equality and fairness for all citizens; advocates for truth and transparency; advocates for language rights and marriage equality; advocates who will become Councillors for Change.

“We seek to deliver the maximum amount of change by returning the maximum amount of Sinn Féin councillors.”

He continued: “Citizens have not been well served by the current DUP dominated council. The next council mandate is an opportunity to change that. Our society is changing. We need a council that will service all citizens; that will deliver for all citizens; that will uphold and respect the rights of all citizens.

“This local government election comes at a time of unprecedented political instability caused by the continued denial of rights and democracy in the north by the DUP and British government, and the Brexit catastrophe being driven by their toxic alliance.”

Mr O’Dowd concluded: “On 2nd May, the electorate in the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Council area will have an opportunity to elect an unprecedented number of Sinn Féin councillors, and once again drive forward the momentum for political change in our society.”

Sinn Féin have selected the following candidates for the upcoming Council election: (Lurgan) Keith Haughian, Sorcha McGeown, Liam Mackle, Noel McGeown; (Craigavon) Catherine Nelson, Michael Tallon; (Portadown) Paul Duffy, Calum Ó Dufaigh; (Lagan River) Tony Gorrell; (Banbridge) Kevin Savage; Vincent McAleenan; (Armagh) Garath Keating, Darren McNally, Jackie Donnelly; (Cusher) Brona Haughey.

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