What does a fiver get you these days?
Well, truth be told, not a whole lot!
But how about happy kids, wrapped in a festive glow and the knowledge that you are helping others when they need it most?
That’s value for money in our book!
And speaking of books, therein lies the answer…
Fans of the city man’s pre-Christmas publication can delight that there’s no more sleeps until release day!
As traditional as mince pies and a tasty turkey on the table come December 25, the book will once again be well-received.
And tradition too sees Willie’s canine companion Maisie thrust centre-stage in the seasonal shenanigans.
For the eponymous pooch is back in ‘Maisie Comes to the Rescue’ in an all-new adventure to thrill and delight youngsters this Yuletide.
Said Willie: “This is my sixth Christmas book and so far each year they’re always sold out with the charities being the winners.”
And, in a message to the eager shoppers who reliably snap up a copy year on year, he adds: “Thank you for your never-ending support – I really appreciate it.”
The £5 price-tag will be a welcome gift to three great causes – Friends of the Cancer Centre Belfast City Hospital, Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children and Guide Dogs for the Blind – as all proceeds will be split equally between them.
To get your hands on a copy you’d better be quick as they are on sale now as Curran’s Spar Shop, Raffles, Macaris, Trimprint, Frances Hairdressers, Gazette shop, Dessie’s, Hawthornes, Pet World and Armagh Blooms.
So what are you waiting for? It really is a fiver well spent!