It was another day to celebrate for the pupils – and staff – of St Catherine’s College in Armagh with another year of fantastic A Level results.
Check out our gallery below..

Seeing Stars. Chloe Lenagh, Eimear Lennon, Beth McConnell and Katie McQuade celebrate with Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Monique Rennie. Each of these girls achieved an impressive three A* grades.

Two of our pupils, Keeleigh Marrion and Grace Williamson who are off to study Creative Industry related courses at university.

Pictured here celebrating their examination successes are some of our Colaiste Chaitriona students who are now off to pursue a range of third level courses.

Some of our talented A Level Maths students who are now off to study Actuary, Finance, Economics and Maths.

The future is bright for these nurses, health professionals and pharmacists of the future: Lauren Campbell (Physiotherapy UU), Eva Druse (Radiography UU), Maeve Gordon (Radiography UU), Helen McGrane (Speech and Language Therapy), Olivia Boyle (Speech and Language Therapy, UU), Aoibhinn McVeigh (Nursing QUB), Janey Rice (Radiography, UU), Naoise Ni Aodha (Physiotherapy UU), Ashley
Oliveira (Nursing) and Katie McQuade and Mia McConnell (Pharmacy, QUB).

Our Head Girls, Eimear Lennon and Laura Mulholland and Deputy Head Girls, Katie McQuade and Shannon Trainor celebrate their stellar A Level successes with school principal, Mrs Noeleen Tiffney. The girls have all achieved a full A*/A profile and are all off to QUB to study Medicine and Pharmacy.

Derry Girls: All of these students are off to University of Ulster to become Allied Health Professionals: Naoise Ni Aodha, Physiotherapy, Olivia Boyle, Speech and Language Therapy, Maeve Gordon, Radiography, Lauren Campbell, Physiotherapy, Eva Druse and Janey Rice, Radiography.

Medics of the Future. Eimear Lennon, Laura Mulholland and Shannon Trainor have been accepted to study Medicine at Queen’s University, Belfast, while Catherine McCourt has secured a place to study Dentistry, also in Queen’s University Belfast.

Just some of the A-level students who achieved a full A*/A profile at A-level