The release of A Level results on Thursday brought news of further success for the students at St. Patrick’s Grammar School, Armagh.
Speaking after the publication of A Level results last week, the school Principal, Mr. Dominic Clarke, congratulated the boys, their parents and the staff in the role they all played in these outstanding results.
He said: “It was wonderful to celebrate the efforts and achievements of our students and there was a very positive atmosphere in the school as the students and their families collected their results. There were many happy faces as the majority of our students gained entry to their preferred university course.”
Mr Clarke went on to pay tribute to the efforts of staff, students and families in preparing this year’s cohort over the past two years.
He wished everyone well in university, on their Higher Level Apprenticeship or gap year.
“It has been extra challenging for students this year as the awarding bodies are committed to a return to the 2019 examination results and therefore CCEA have warned schools that they expect the that this year’s results are lower than 2013 and comparable with 2019.”
Vice Principal, Mr. Damien McAlary, added: “The excitement and celebration in school today reinforces the fact that our boys appreciate all that our teachers do for them and I firmly believe that the strength and maturity of relationships between teachers and students is the foundation of our success in St. Patrick’s.”
Particular congratulations are due to several outstanding A Level students who achieved top grades in their examinations.
Calum Hughes achieved A*AA in History, Construction and Maths and heads off to study Mechanical Engineering at University of Ulster. Shea Maxwell, is headed for Queen’s to study Mathematics with Finance having achieved A*AA in Environmental Technology, Physics and Maths. Sean McAleavey achieved an A*AA in Irish, Maths and Chemistry and will study Chemical Engineering at Queen’s. Vissrawa Jayasinghe achieved an impressive A*AA in Maths, Physics and Software Systems Development. Lonan Rooney and Pater McGrath both achieved AAA in Biology, Physics, Maths and Construction, Double Award ICT respectively. Head Prefect, Lonan has been accepted into Biomedical Science at Queen’s University, Belfast and Peter looks forward to Construction, Engineering and Management at Ulster University.
Credit is also due for Year 13 students in St Patrick’s who have excelled in their AS results. No stranger to hard work, Matthew Greene achieved four A grades at AS in Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Business Studies. Jack Daly received an impressive three A grades at AS in Maths, Physics and Software Systems Development. Results like these bode well for the future A Level results.
The school motto is Fratres In Unum or Brothers Together and this is epitomised by brothers, Oran and Conor Callaghan, who both collected excellent A2 and AS results today. Conor continues his studies of Construction, Geography and Environmental Technology here in St Patrick’s and Oran heads to University of Ulster to study Mechanical Engineering.
Miss McMahon, Head of Post 16, expressed her pride in the A Level students, saying” “Here in St. Patrick’s we see and develop the best in our boys. We understand and instill in them a commitment to excellence in their studies which runs alongside our offer of a wide and genuinely enriching extra-curricular programme. They leave us now to follow different pathways, as well-rounded young men. We wish them well and know they will stay in touch.”
The entire St. Patrick’s community shares in the excellent achievements of all Post 16 students and wish them every success at university, at work and into their adult life.

Mrs Frances Downey celebrates with one of our wonderful mentors, Caolan Quinn, and his mum as he receives his A Level results. Well done Caolan

Last year’s Head Prefect, Lonan Rooney, pictured here with Principal, Mr Clarke. Lonan achieved A grades in Biology, Physics and Maths and is beginning Biomedical Science at QUB.

Ben Scowcroft celebrates with his proud mum, Siobhan, as he learns he has been accepted
into his QUB course to study Archaeology!

Mrs Julianne Denvir congratulating Tre Andrews and David Mackin as they collect their results. Well done boys!

Dominik Kowalski and Orlando Gama are congratulated by proud Head of Year 14, Miss Sheila McManus, as they collect their A Level Results. Dominik is heading to Ulster University to study Accounting with Computing.

One of our Senior Prefects, Thomas Edwards, celebrates with his proud mum and Vice Principal, Mrs RoseAnne Slane, as he hears he has been accepted into Ulster University to study Renewable Energy Engineering.

All smiles for classmates and high achievers, Calum Hughes and Michael Weir, who are headed to Ulster university. Calum will study Mechanical Engineering and Michael will study Law.

Vice Principal Mr Damien McAlary congratulates Jack Gildea who is headed to St Mary’s to study Liberal Arts. Well done, Jack!

Smiles for Ross Cunningham and Aurimas Kairys as they celebrate their A Level results with Head of Year 14, Miss Sheila McManus. Ross will study Mechanical Engineering at university and Aurimas is going to study Information Technologies.

The school motto is Fratres In Unum or Brothers Together and this is epitomised by brothers, Oran and Conor Callaghan, who both collected excellent A2 and AS results today. Conor continues his studies of Construction, Geography and Environmental Technology here in St Patrick’s and Oran heads to University of Ulster to study Mechanical Engineering.

Head of year 14, Miss Sheila McManus and Head of Post 16, Miss Lisa McMahon, congratulate some of their Senior Prefect team, Calum, Sean, Thomas, and Lonan. Wonderful ambassadors for St Patrick’s Grammar School.

High achievers, Pearse O’Neill, Ross Cunningham and Oisin Cauldwell are congratulated by Miss Lisa McMahon, Head of Post 16. Well done gentlemen!

Pearse O’Neill, Lonan Rooney, Lorcan McGaffin and Thomas Edwards enjoy the atmosphere as they collect their results. Pearse is headed to UU to study Personalised Medicine, Lonan is going to study Biomedical Science at QUB, Lorcan is travelling to Liverpool to study Civil Engineering and Thomas is beginning his studies at UU in Renewable Energy Engineering

Senior Prefect, Calum Hughes, celebrating with his proud mum and Mr Clarke. Calum achieved A*AA at a Level in History, Maths and Construction and has been a wonderful role model and mentor for our younger students.