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Hunt for driver who left two police officers in hospital after response car rammed

It happened near Newry, with the officers responding to the sighting of a car stolen early from Irish Street in Armagh

Two police officers are being treated for injuries after their car was rammed near Newry earlier today (Monday).

The officers were taken to hospital by ambulance.

Newry, Mourne & Down District Commander, Superintendent Norman Haslett condemned the incident.

He said: “Any attack on our officers, who work tirelessly around the clock, often in challenging circumstances to protect the community, is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

“I condemn this incident in the strongest possible terms. An investigation is underway to bring the person responsible to justice and I wish both officers a speedy recovery.”

Outlining the incident, Superintendent Haslett said: “A member of the public called police after a car was stolen from outside a home in Irish Street in Armagh City at around 9am.

“The silver Volkswagen Passat had been located by police in Newry. However, when our officers attempted to stop the vehicle in the Shepherd’s Way on-slip to the A1 dual carriageway at around 9.25am, the driver of the stolen vehicle then reversed at speed and rammed the police vehicle.

“As a result, two officers were injured and were unable to continue their duties and the patrol vehicle has sustained serious damage which will render it unusable for the foreseeable future.”

The suspect, the driver of the stolen car, made off on foot. A significant search operation is underway to find the man, who is described as being aged around 25 with blonde/ sandy brown hair and wearing grey tracksuit bottoms, a grey top with green shoulders.

Supt Haslett added: “I would appeal to anyone who may have witnessed the incident or who may have dash-cam or CCTV footage that could assist us with our enquiries to contact police on 101 quoting 350 10/06/24.”

Alternatively, a report can be made using the online reporting form via Information can also be provided to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at

Newry & Armagh DUP Westminster candidate Alderman Gareth Wilson said the incident proves the real risks to PSNI officer safety and urged the public to be vigilant.

“This is a shocking incident and again shows the very real risks that our dedicated PSNI officers face on a daily basis,” said Alderman Wilson.

“This was a brazen attack and I understand that a car was stolen in Irish Street in Armagh and when PSNI officers attempted to intercept it in Newry, the driver of the stolen vehicle rammed the Police vehicle causing injury to the officers.

“I understand the officers were hospitalised and I wish them well as they recover from this ordeal. The PSNI vehicle itself was also extensively damaged rendering it unusable.

“Ramming incidents have been occurring at an alarming rate and in my opinion this entire issue deserves a greater level of response in order to try and stamp out this type of reckless and lawless behaviour which places the lives of Police officers at great risk.”

He concluded: “I would echo the appeals of the PSNI to the public to be vigilant and if anyone has any dashcam footage of this incident or witness the incident to come forward and assist with this ongoing investigation.”

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