Our four-legged canine friends are set to be the guests of honour at a special event in the Palace grounds in Armagh on Wednesday, May 29.
Aptly named, ‘Paws at the Palace’, the event will run from 2pm until 4pm and will offer free microchipping to dogs who don’t yet have one.
The informal, drop-in event, which will be held at the marquee to the rear of the main Palace building, will also feature a range of helpful advice and guidance for dog owners.
Each year, hundreds of dogs go missing across the borough, with microchips often proving an excellent tool in helping to reunite owners with their pets.
On Wednesday, council officers will be on hand to microchip dogs for free – a service that normally costs between £10 and £20.
To avail of this service, owners must then licence their dogs, which is a legal requirement.
For dogs that are already microchipped, representatives from the Dog’s Trust will be there to help owners ensure their microchip contact details are correct and provide guidance on how to update.
For those owners struggling to manage their pets, there will be advice and some simple steps to help improve dog behaviour and welfare, to make both pet’s and owner’s lives a little easier.
The team of dedicated Dog Wardens will also be on hand to offer help and guidance.
Pet owners will have the opportunity to learn more about the Green Dog Walker Scheme. Those who sign up to the scheme receive a doggie welcome pack which contains the Green Dog Walkers armband, dog bone shaped bag dispenser, doggie bags and clip-on hand sanitiser.
A council spokesperson said: “Owning a dog is a big responsibility and a key part of caring for your dog is having it microchipped and of course licensed, which is legally required.
“We will also have other helpful advice and support available on the day and we look forward to welcoming all the wonderful dogs to the Palace.”