Building on the successes of the Opportunity Export event held last year a major trade mission is now being targeted to the Republic of Ireland.
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council in conjunction with InterTradeIreland, will deliver an Export Readiness Workshop on Monday 27 February in Council Offices, The Palace Demesne, Armagh at 8.30 am.
The Export Readiness workshop, which is completely free of charge to participants, will foster trade links between local businesses in the council area and the Republic of Ireland.
It will feature export advice and information from industry experts including guidance on the necessary organisational structure, culture and resources required to support growth and new trading links. The workshop will also provide one-to- one meetings with businesses who have the potential to export to the Republic of Ireland.
What is more, participants will also be afforded the opportunity to visit the Shannon Region of the Republic of Ireland where InterTradeIreland will arrange a number of meetings with potential relevant customers.
Export Opportunity is the ideal workshop for new and established businesses with an interest and potential to export to the Republic of Ireland providing not only expert guidance but also invaluable networking opportunities with key industry contacts.
Chair of Economic Development and Regeneration Councillor Colin McCusker commented: “There is an inextricable link between our ability to export and the future success of the Northern Ireland economy. It is proven that exporting provides strong financial benefits as well as enhancing our local skills and knowledge base.
“Therefore I am delighted that Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council in partnership with InterTradeIreland will be hosting the Export Readiness workshop, a follow on from the successful Opportunity Export workshop held last year.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for local businesses to gain support and guidance to identify new cross-border export markets and I would urge local businesses to come along and let us help you on your way to being export ready.”
To learn more about the Export Readiness workshop and to register please contact Jennifer McKibben on 028 3831 2581 or email jennifer.mckibben@armaghbanbridgecraigavon.gov.uk
Registration closes at 4 pm on Wednesday 22 February 2017.