A new community hub will throw open its doors later this month much to the delight of local residents.
Corran Community Association is celebrating the completion of the development at Tassagh.
And it’s all thanks to a £349,000 lottery grant.
Corran Community Association demolished their old Ancient Order of Hibernians Hall on the Newtownhamilton Road in the summer of last year.
The hall, little more than a corrugated shed, was originally built in 1934.
But thanks to the endeavours of the local community association and the support of the Big Lottery Grant making a substantial award under the Space and Place Programme, the transformation is incredible.
It was in December 2015 that Corran Community Association was confirmed as having secured a share of the £2.7 million Big Lottery Fund grant.
This week, representatives of the Space and Place Programme visited the new venue to present a plaque marking the completion of the work and recognising its involvement.
They hailed the scheme as a “fab new community facility”.
The new development includes an exhibition area, accessed through main foyer, together with a meeting room, as well as kitchen and a large main hall, and storage space. There are also toilet facilities, including enhanced disabled provision.
A range of groups will now be able to be accommodated and activities laid on, including social evenings, dancing, bowls and much, much more.
It has been worth the wait and the effort as it has now been confirmed that it will throw open its doors on Friday, May 25.
Great result – well done to all involved and enjoy your new venue!