Over £2.5 million will be spent to help Armagh City Centre shed its “negative image” after the Council’s regeneration committee gave the thumbs up to the plans earlier this week.
The money will be in addition to the millions in heritage lottery funding which has already been granted which will restore vacant properties, bringing them back into productive use and creating jobs.
Armagh councillor Garath Keating said he is delighted that much needed funding has been secured to continue with ongoing efforts to improve the appearance of the city centre.
Significant improvements have been made over the past number of months.
Considerable financial investment of £4 million has previously been secured in conjunction with the Heritage Lottery to improve the local townscape; that along with a number of exciting development projects, both public and private, at a number of prominent locations has given the City centre a real boost moving forward.
Speaking to Armagh I, councillor Keating said: “Building on that excellent work and in order to keep the momentum moving in the right direction, it is with great satisfaction that the economic committee has been able to give the go ahead for further Council backed investment to tackle some of the more problematic areas in the city centre.
“We have been campaigning hard for investment in the Armagh area and the composite effect of theses various initiative will have a fantastic impact on the aesthetics and enjoyment of the City centre moving forward.”
Key components of the plan include tackling redundant security features and public toilets described as being in a poor state of repair and which attract anti-social behaviour.
The proposed spending will go before full council at the end of the month.
Read a full break-down on the report here.