One Co Armagh road is in such bad condition it is jeopardising the care of vulnerable patients.
Sinn Féin councillor Bróna Haughey has called for urgent works to repair potholes on the Corran, Claymore and Blackquarter roads, all within the Cusher DEA.
“We need to see repairs carried out to potholes and other defects on these roads,” said Councillor Haughey.
“One particular issue is the current state of the roads making it difficult for carers to access isolated patients in these rural areas.
“These issues will likely only worsen as we enter the winter months and so it’s important that DFI takes steps to make these roads safe for travel in winter conditions.
“Improving the safety and quality of rural roads is a priority for Sinn Féin and we will continue to press for the investment needed to make our roads safer for all.”
Armagh I revealed that the Department for Infrastructure paid out over £350,000 in public liability claims in the ABC Borough during the 2022-23 financial year!
Related: Shock figures reveal £356,000 paid in claims in a year due to state of borough roads