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Armagh Taekwondo fighter shines with Bronze Medal at 2023 World Championships

The taekwondo spirit runs deep within the Forrest family, and their collective dedication to the sport has undoubtedly contributed to Janine's success on the international stage.

Janine Forrest, a formidable black belt from Armagh, has made her mark at the 2023 World Championships which were held at the Skydome Arena in Coventry.

The event was organised by Taekwondo International and showcased the world’s largest and most inclusive Taekwondo competition which attracted participants from all corners of the globe.

Janine’s outstanding performance was recognised as she secured a notable win, clinching a bronze medal in the fiercely competitive individual black belt sparring category. The victory was well-deserved and has earned her immense praise within the taekwondo community.

Moreover, Janine has the unwavering support of her family, with her husband Colin and son Jack both being well-seasoned on the Taekwondo circuit. Colin’s prowess earned him a bronze medal for sparring at the Northern Ireland Championships, adding to the family’s impressive collection of accolades.

Meanwhile, Jack, a black belt himself, showcased his exceptional skills at the Northern Ireland Championships by securing a gold medal for Tag Team Sparring and a silver medal for individual sparring.

The taekwondo spirit runs deep within the Forrest family, and their collective dedication to the sport has undoubtedly contributed to Janine’s success on the international stage.

Janine’s brilliance extended beyond her individual success, as she also took on the prestigious role of captaining the Northern Ireland International Team. Leading her compatriots with determination and experience, Janine guided the team through the competition. However, despite a valiant effort, the Northern Ireland team was narrowly defeated by a slightly stronger Polish team in the thrilling international team event.

Janine’s prowess in Taekwondo is well-known within Northern Ireland, where she recently secured a Silver medal at the Northern Ireland Championships in June which was held at the Antrim Forum. Her achievements, combined with her experience and skill in the taekwondo competition circuit, made her an obvious and excellent choice as captain for the Northern Ireland squad.

With an impressive 3rd Dan black belt, Janine not only excels in her own athletic pursuits but also contributes to the growth of Taekwondo in the area. She shares her knowledge and expertise by coaching Taekwondo at Richhill Recreation Centre, nurturing the next generation of taekwondo enthusiasts.

The Richhill Taekwondo Club achieved remarkable success at the Northern Ireland Championships in June, securing an impressive total of 16 medals including 3 golds. Their dedication and accomplishments add to the overall pride and enthusiasm for Taekwondo in the area.

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