Lodge members from Armagh district have been working behind the scenes in the last week to source and buy much needed PPE for residential homes in the area.
Those to benefit are Greenpark Care Home, Sunnymead Care Home, Hockley Care Home, Orchard Care Home and Hamilton Court Care Home.
Much sought after items including hand sanitiser, protective overalls, anti-bacterial hand soap, disposable aprons, gloves, shoe covers and hand cream have been delivered today.
Also later this week Lodges from Armagh District will be delivering food parcels to the older and more vulnerable members who are currently in isolation.
A spokesperson for Armagh District Loyal Orange Lodge No 5 said: “If you or anyone you know would need this service please contact us and we will be happy to get you on our list. Just send the page a message with your address and we will do what we can.
In these uncertain times we would urge all members to follow the government’s guidelines and Stay Home.
If anyone needs assistance contact Armagh District No 5 on Facebook with your address and they will do what they can to help.
Armagh District Master Roy Pillow and Bro Adrian Faulkner LOL 353 and Bro Geoff Boyce LOL 347 are among those who have been out delivering some of the PPE that was bought and distributed.