An Armagh man who slapped his wife during an argument over money has been fined £300.
Bogomil Slavov, 24, of Victoria Street, appeared before Armagh Magistrates’ Court, sitting at Newry Courthouse on Tuesday, charged with common assault.
The court heard that on December 28 last year, police received a 999 call reporting a domestic incident at an address on Victoria Street in Armagh.
Police spoke with a female who claimed that during a verbal dispute her husband had slapped her across the right side of the face. The defendant was subsequently arrested on suspicion of common assault.
Conor Coulter BL, defending, said that his client had entered a guilty plea at the very earliest opportunity and had no relevant offences on his record.
He explained that the defendant had become irate during an argument with his wife over finances and accepts that he did slap her.
The defence said, “I’m not trying to trivialise what happened”, but explained that this incident was “at the lower end of the scale” in terms of assault.
District Judge Anne Marshall fined Slavov £300, alongside the £15 offender levy, and gave him weeks 10 weeks to pay.
She warned: “Any future offences of violence, particularly in a domestic context, will be dealt with much more seriously.”
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