Smartmove Housing are seeking new landlords in Armagh to become part of their unique scheme that offers lower fees and comprehensive property management services.
Its initiative, fueled by a mission to address housing needs and combat homelessness across Northern Ireland has since evolved into a multi-award-winning project.
Today, it stands as one of Northern Ireland’s leading property management and letting agents, currently overseeing more than 400 private properties across Belfast, Armagh, Enniskillen, and Derry.
Offering a full comprehensive advertising and management services or a finder’s fee only option, there is something to suit every landlord’s unique needs.
Their firm commitment to high delivery standards, ethical conduct, and industry leadership has been recognised to go beyond property management.
Actively contributing to the betterment of their clients and their innovative approaches have been widely acknowledged in recent years, winning prestigious awards such as CIH Excellence in the Private Rented Sector 2019 & 2022 and most recently winning Social Corporate Responsibility and Young Property Professional of the Year at the 2023 PropertyPal Awards.
Trusted local property professional Jenny McArdle, with over 11 years of dedicated service as Housing Manager for the Armagh area, brings extensive knowledge and experience of the area’s ever-changing property market.
Jenny plays a crucial role in helping landlords navigate the dynamic Armagh housing market. Her advice is grounded in practical insights, offering landlords valuable information to make informed decisions. Jenny’s reputation for reliability and expertise makes her a trusted figure in the local property scene.
Jenny advises: “For new or experienced landlords venturing into Armagh’s thriving rental market, their timing could never be better, as I have never witnessed demand as high, presenting a favourable opportunity for landlords.
“However, with great demand comes the crucial need for due diligence when selecting tenants. My advice would be to ensure a thorough screening process that not only secures reliable occupants but also contributes to the harmonious living experience for all.
“Onto the property itself – meeting all legal standards is non-negotiable. This includes everything from safety regulations to proper documentation. Compliance not only keeps you on the right side of the law but also establishes trust with your tenants. A high-standard finish can make a substantial difference in rental returns. A well-maintained property not only attracts quality tenants but also enhances the overall value and desirability.
“Lastly, and most importantly, choosing the right management agent is paramount. With a dependable partner like Smartmove Housing, you’re not just securing efficient property management; you’re guaranteeing a seamless and stress-free experience, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your investment.
“Although there has been a significant drop in the availability of rental properties across Northern Ireland in recent times, positive word of mouth through highly satisfied landlords has meant that Smartmove has continued to expand across the province.”
Jenny continued: “I believe more and more landlords are choosing Smartmove as their letting agent for several reasons.
“Firstly, our unique status as a charity allows us to offer significantly lower management fees than other agents while offering the highest services, thereby maximising landlords’ financial returns. Secondly, our comprehensive management packages, alongside our tenancy sustainment and support services, guarantee all parties receive first-class care and assistance, fostering long-term tenancies and a reliable, stress-free income stream for the landlord.
“Lastly, and most importantly, by choosing Smartmove, landlords are actively contributing to addressing homelessness, as all revenue from our management fees goes directly to operating costs and supporting other crucial homelessness projects under the First Housing umbrella.
“So, just by choosing us as your letting agent, you are actually playing a vital role in making a positive impact in addressing homelessness across our communities.”
Explore the Smartmove advantage in property management; contact Jenny today – Jennymcardle@smartmove-
Become part of the community of satisfied landlords who trust Smartmove Housing for its commitment to excellence and tailored service that goes beyond expectations.