An Armagh man says he and health service colleagues have been overwhelmed by the response from the public which they have been receiving during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Each week people applaud the front-line staff at 8pm on a Thursday in recognition of all they are doing.
But the acts of kindness are plentiful too; the gestures and the remarks that give a little lift and show just how much they are appreciated.
Anthony Ward drives a bus for the Southern Health Trust.
Now that the clients which he ferries are all off, the bus drivers have been given a new role – they have been ferrying the doctors and health workers who are fighting to save lives.
The role which Anthony and his colleagues are fulfilling brings gratitude.
Despite the fact that these are uncertain times for many financially, local shops and traders have been quick to offer thanks where they can.
For Anthony, two incidents this week made a big impact and meant the world to him, a reminder of the vital role that they are playing.
He told Armagh I : “I was completely taken aback. I went to Cordelia’s chip shop at Umgola to get something to eat.
“When I went to collect my takeaway, because I worked for the health service, she gave it to me for free. It really was so kind, and really appreciated.
“I also went to the fruit and veg stall at the lorry across from Donnelly’s going into Dungannon. I was stopping to get a bag of spuds and the man – who didn’t know me at all – told me to take it with me.
“He said I worked for the health service and there was no charge. He thanked us all for all our hard work.
“This meant so much. I was so grateful, especially around this time, when things are hard enough for businesses.
“I just want to thank them for their kindness and to let them know their gestures really made by day.
“It’s things like these that show just how grateful people are and their support reminds us all that we really are all in this together.”