Darkness Into Light has been in formation since 2009. Sponsored by Electric Ireland, the initiative encourages communities across the globe every year to walk and use the event as an opportunity to connect with their local community and show their support for those who have been impacted by suicide.
Armagh was to deliver its first Darkness Into Light last year but unfortunately with Covid-19, the event had to be cancelled.
This year, Armagh DIL like the rest across the globe will be virtual and communities are being asked to join Pieta and PIPS Hope and Support on May 8th for a special Darkness Into Light sunrise, giving the gift of hope to those impacted by suicide and self-harm. You can join in any way you can – walk, swim, bike or simply share your sunrise moment.
Armagh’s, Stephen Sheridan is encouraging fans and residents of Armagh and the surrounding areas to register today and take part in the fight against suicide and to support Pieta House and PIPS Hope & Support.
Stephen commented: “Darkness Into Light is a fantastic initiative that brings together communities together in the fight against suicide and to show our support for suicide prevention.
“This year, Armagh DIL will support PIPS Hope and Support as charity partners and I’m delighted to be highlighting their charity.
“PIPS Hope and Support are a fantastic charity and have been providing immediate therapy to anyone with suicidal thoughts, high levels of anxiety, poor mental health and bereavement support for those who have lost loved ones and rely so heavily on community support.
“PIPS H&S has been delivering their outreach services across the Armagh area for many years and have provided invaluable support to our community so I would encourage the Armagh community to sign up, share the sunrise and give the gift of hope.”
PIPS Hope and Support’s, Padraig Harte welcomed the support from Stephen and commended the support from the Armagh area for the initiative and their charity.
Padraig said: “PIPS Hope and Support are appreciative of Stephen’s encouragement and the support received from the Armagh area for Darkness Into Light and for their donations that allow us to continue providing fundamental services across the whole of the Southern Trust.
“Unfortunately for our 1st year of bringing DIL to Armagh, we are unable to gather as a group but we can all still walk under the one sunrise for the prevention of suicide and self-harm.”
Padraig continued: “We also take this opportunity to thank Lorraine, Jim and all at Cu Chulain Hurling Club and St Mary’s Camogie Club, Granemore who have been working in conjunction with Cu Chulainn and the Devlin family encouraging club members and residents to sign up for Darkness Into Light, to walk under the sunrise and to donate to their fundraiser for our charity in memory of their friend and fellow Gael, Gerard Devlin.
“With Covid regulations in effect, we advise individuals to check with both clubs on routes etc. Please know that we all at PIPS Hope and Support are appreciative of everyone’s kindness and we send best wishes to everyone participating.”
To register for Darkness Into Light Armagh; https://www.darknessintolight.ie/register/armagh/defaultregistrationform
To donate, and for more information on Cu Chulainn’s / St. Mary’s Camogie Club’s Darkness Into Light Walk; https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chc-darknessintolight
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