Indoor fitness classes: We are delighted to be reopening indoor fitness classes in all our facilities on Monday 24 May. Timetables are being finalised and can be viewed on each facility‘s webpages.
Each of our facilities has a unique timetable, with locally chosen classes for members that follow current government guidelines and that offer a choice of workouts to suit a wide variety of fitness needs.
To keep everybody safe and help us manage capacity, members are required to pre-book their space for every class online or via the getactiveabc app.
Changing and showering facilities will be available although we encourage customers to arrive “class-ready”.
We have set up our studios to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
We are cleaning all equipment and allowing adequate time for thorough cleaning between each class. Where possible, we’re locking studios between classes so kit remains sanitised and clean ahead of the next session.
Members will be asked to remain in an individually designated space so that everyone can keep their social distance from other participants, as well as the instructor.
We would also encourage members attending a class to bring and use their own mat and/or equipment, if they would feel more comfortable doing so.
Indoor racquet sports
From Monday 24 May racquet sports are available to book at relevant centres and can be played by people from same family bubble. Advance booking and payment required by phone or on line. Singles play is permitted and doubles play only when pairs are from same family bubble.
Advance booking and payment is required by app, phone or online.
Please note that badminton and table tennis are not available at this time at South Lake Leisure Centre due to sports hall capacity.
To make sure you stay safe, courts must be booked in advance via phone.
We’ve set aside 10 minutes between bookings to allow staff to clean all touchpoints and ready the court for the next players.
To read more on our other facilities click here.