Further reopening of swimming commences on May 24, and please view our specific Covid-19 Operating Procedures for Swimming.
LANE SWIMMING – 8 years and over | Advance booking and payment required by app, online or phone
FAMILY SWIMS & NEW SOUTH LAKE KIDS POOL AREA – Normal adult child accompaniment applies | Advance booking and payment required by app, online or phone | Families/bubbles do not need to social distance from each other and can be in same pool space as others but must social distance between themselves and other groups.
Wet area changing will be available.
Swimming clubs can commence from Monday 24, May subject to pool space and time availability at each centre.
IMPORTANT NOTICE – Swimming Lessons will not be taking place at this time. We are embarking on a summer swim programme and restarting our swimming lessons in September. Further details will be communicated as soon as possible.
Our gyms will continue to operate from 24th May as they currently do and please view our specific Covid-19 Operating Procedures for Gyms.
Individual sessions can be booked via the app, online or via telephone.
Advance booking and payment is required.
Changing and showering will be available although we encourage customers to arrive “gym-ready”.