All posts tagged "Richhill Apple Fayre"
5 months ago
Jampacked week of events in store ahead of Richhill Apple Harvest Fayre 2024
The familiar sights, sounds and flavours of the Richhill Apple Harvest Fayre are set to return this week with a huge...
1 year ago
In Pictures: Entertainment galore at Richhill’s Apple Fayre Day
It was another wonderful occasion in Richhill over the weekend with the culmination of the six-day Apple Harvest Fayre. Of course,...
1 year ago
Richhill village to host its annual Apple Fayre Day on Saturday
Living in County Armagh, which is of course famous for its orchards, you could easily take apples for granted… However, at...
2 years ago
Richhill Apple Fayre returns to its full five-day format for first time since pandemic
Spain has La Tomatina, the U.S. state of West Virginia salutes the strawberry, while the Isle of Wight holds an annual...
6 years ago
Pictured: Thousands descend on Richhill for annual Apple Harvest Fayre
Thousands of people descended on Richhill on Friday night and throughout today (Saturday) for the fifth annual celebration of the PGI...
9 years ago
Armagh in top nine tourism destinations as harvest fayre crowned a huge success
The chairman of Tourism NI has described Armagh as one of nine key designated visitor destinations in Northern Ireland and said he...