The family of the late Vera Blevins, 183 Derrylee Road, wish to publicly thank all who helped in any way during mum’s illness and after her death.
We wish to acknowledge the ambulance staff, the staff in Craigavon Area Hospital, both A&E and in the Trauma unit, also the staff in Loane House and the Red Cross ambulance crew who brought her home. We especially wish to thank the Moy district nursing team who went above and beyond in their comfort and care.
Thanks to the Trust domiciliary care team for their excellent care over the past number of years and especially during the last few weeks of her life, also the Marie Curie Nurses and Macmillan teams for their care and attention.
We wish to thank all who helped in the home, especially Sandra who again went over and above, we would have been lost without her.
We wish to thank the Reverend Armstrong for his attendance in the home and the excellent way he carried out the funeral service, also we would like to thank the organist, caretaker and all who helped in the church. Also our thanks to Linda and her team for the funeral tea which was greatly appreciated by all.
We want to give a special thanks to Alan Wray for the excellent and professional way he carried out his duties as funeral director.
Also the florist, Stuart for the beautiful arrangements of flowers that mum would have loved and finally we wish to thank all who called at the home, went to the funeral, sent messages or cards of sympathy and those who sent donations.
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