The nieces and nephews of the late Susan McClelland B.E.M. would like to thank all those who sympathised with them during their recent bereavement.
We extend a very special thanks to the doctors and nurses in Craigavon Area Hospital and the staff in Sandringham Care Home who cared for her.
Our sincere thanks to the clergy of St. Mark’s Parish Church, Armagh, Rev. Malcolm Kingston and curate Rev. Sarah Parkinson, for their pastoral care given to Susan whilst in hospital and in her own home.
A very special thanks to Rev. Malcolm Kingston for his beautiful and fitting tribute, which reflected the life of Susan. A special thank you to Dean Robert Townley, Dean Charles Coombe and organist Brian Jeffers for the part they played in the service.
Our thanks to Stephen Stoops for his help and guidance in carrying out the funeral arrangements and to Simply Good Catering for the refreshments served after the service.
Thanks also to those who sent donations to St. Mark’s Parish Church Fabric Fund.
As it would be impossible to thank her many good friends individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our sincere appreciation.
“The day Thou gavest, Lord, is Ended.”