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Acknowledgement for the late Sean McCaughley (Aghacommon)

McCaughley, Sean.

The family of the late Sean McCaughley would like to express their heartfelt thanks to all who extended their sympathy and supported them following the death of Sean; a beloved Husband, Father, Father in Law, Granda and Great Granda.

The McCaughley family would like to thank the hundreds of people for their presence and support at Sean’s wake and funeral. To those who sent mass and sympathy cards, flowers and online messages expressing their heartfelt sympathy, we thank you for your kindness and compassion.

To Jack and Margaret McLearnon we thank you for your thoughtful care and dedication. We very much appreciated your guidance and support. Your kindness and attention to detail made a very challenging time more bearable.

A special thank you to Fr Fitzpatrick for Sean’s beautiful and very personal Requiem Mass.

As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere appreciation.

Sean’s Months Mind Mass will be held in St Patricks Church, Aghacommon on Sunday March 23, at 11am.

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