The McArdle family of the late Sean McArdle, 19 Mullinary Road, Middletown, Co Armagh, extends their heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming sympathy and support we received during our recent sad bereavement. We deeply appreciate the kindness of family, friends and neighbours who attended the wake, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, made donations, made phone calls, wrote letters, Middletown GAA for Guard of honour and assisting with parking, also the staff of Azil Racking who assisted with parking, as well as everyone who attended the funeral Mass. We were overwhelmed by the compassion and kindness shown by everyone during this difficult time.
We would like to thank the Nurses, Doctors and Consultants in the ICU Department, Craigavon Area Hospital,
who cared for Sean.
A special thank you to Fr Moore for his very warm-hearted requiem mass and providing support to the family.
We are indebted to Martin, Eamon and Paddy at EC Hughes Undertakers for the professional, compassionate and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgement will be accepted by each and everyone who helped the family in any way as an expression of our sincere appreciation and gratitude.
Sean’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday December 16, at 11am in St. John Church, Middletown.
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