We the family of the late Seamus Statham wish to offer our heartfelt thanks to all who sympathised with us following our recent sad bereavement.
We have been overwhelmed by the kindness, generosity and support of our family, our friends, our neighbours, who are also our friends, and the wider community over the long wake. Many thanks to everyone who worked so hard over a long period and generously provided food and refreshments that were gratefully appreciated at the wake. Friends and family worked tirelessly and without their immense kindness and support we could not have got through the long days and nights. Friends and relations who stayed with us by their presence and comforting words gave us solace.
A special thank you to everyone who called at the family home, brought or sent Mass cards and letters of sympathy.
We thank our family and friends who travelled from Dublin, Belfast, Dundalk, Mayo and England to be with us.
We also wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the PSNI Response Team, the Rapid Response Teams and the Ambulance Service who arrived at our home within minutes of our call and did everything possible for Seamus in a caring and professional manner. We will be forever grateful to them. Thank you to neighbours who provided additional car parking and to those who provided stewarding.
A special word of thanks to Father Eamon McCamley who with his easy manner guided and brought us words of comfort during the wake. We thank him also for the spiritual and uplifting celebration of Seamus’ Requiem Mass. Thanks also to the Sacristan and everyone who assisted at the Mass. Our appreciation and special thanks to the family members and friends who gave readings so sensitively and beautifully. Thanks to Ryan McGarrity for providing a musical ensemble which spoke so well of Seamus. Thank you to Gillprint Printing Services for providing the Mass booklet.
Thank you to Patrick Quinn and Son Funeral Directors, particularly to Paddy for the respectful and professional manner with which he carried out the funeral arrangements. Much appreciation and special thanks to Dungannon Bowling Club who organised members from Dungannon and further afield for the guard of honour at the chapel. We also wish to acknowledge the grave diggers for the preparation of the grave and Sinead Goodwin who provided the floral arrangements. Thank you to all who sent wreaths and flowers to our home. We also acknowledge the assistance offered by the Coroner’s Office.
As it would be impossible to express our thanks to everyone individually, we trust that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a token of our appreciation. A Mass will be offered for all those who supported us through this sad time.
The Month’s Mind Mass for Seamus will be celebrated on Friday July 1 at 7.30 pm in St Patrick’s Church Dungannon.
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