Seamus’ devoted wife Lelia and their sons Jim, John and Michael, daughters Brenda and Karen, grandchildren and family circle wish to thank all those who sympathised with them during their sad bereavement.
To all our wonderful family, friends and kind neighbours whose help and support was invaluable over the wake and funeral and indeed throughout the years. To all those who attended the wake and funeral, brought mass cards, telephoned, messaged or posted online their condolences we assure you these were greatly appreciated. We thank also the many individuals and businesses who brought gifts of food to the house and to the ladies who made and served the tea to the wake attendees. We thank the community of Glenn for their unfailing support as well.
No words seem adequate to express our sincere thanks to Fr Brown who give us much appreciated pastoral care and for celebrating a very personal and fitting funeral mass and indeed to the SMA community in Dromantine. We thank the Sacriston for preparing the church and to Michael’s family for the beautiful music which greatly enhanced the mass. Thanks to Glenn for the use of the hall to host the post burial refreshments and to the staff of the Diamond in Warrenpoint for providing it.
Gratitude is extended to the Domicillary staff of the Trust for their care of Seamus at home and to the nurses of Life and Time for their input and professionalism. Allied to that, we thank all those who made donations to Life and Time in honour of Seamus.
Finally to Mone Funeral Directors keady for the complete and professional handling of all the funeral arrangements.
At the risk of failing to mention someone we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a sincere token of our appreciation.
Seamus’ month’s mind mass will be celebrated in St John The Evangelist Church Glenn on Friday July 26, at 7pm.