Bunting, Peter J. We, the family of the late Peter J Bunting J.P., wish to express our sincere gratitude to all who sympathised and supported us throughout our recent bereavement.
We offer heartfelt thanks to our family and friends, our neighbours, work colleagues and those who travelled long distances to attend the wake and funeral. Thank you to all who offered prayers, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, and flowers, your kindness and support is greatly appreciated.
A special word of thanks to Father Declan Mulligan P.P. for his spiritual support and the comforting Requiem Mass.
We convey our appreciation also to the Sacristan and everyone who took part in the Liturgy, the altar server Pia and to Mark Magee and Jonny Toman who provided the beautiful music.
Thank you to McAlinden and Murtagh Funeral Directors for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out and to the gravedigger, Kieran Mulholland, for preparing Peter’s final resting place.
Thank you to the Gate Inn for providing refreshments after the funeral Mass.
Finally, we send our sincere and grateful thanks to everyone who cared for Peter during his illness including the doctors at Church Walk Surgery Lurgan, McKeagneys Chemist, Lurgan and the Community Nurses, Podiatrist and Respiratory team.
Peter is loved and missed every day, may his gentle soul be granted peace and eternal rest.
His Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. Patrick’s Church, Aghagallon on Thursday August 3, at 7.00 pm.