The wife Mary and family of the late Pat Mone would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who sympathised and supported us in our recent sad bereavement. To all our wonderful family, friends, kind neighbours whose help and support was invaluable over the wake and funeral and throughout Pats life.
To those who attended the wake and funeral, brought Mass cards, phoned or posted online there condolence we assure you these where greatly appreciated. We thank the people who brought gifts of food to the wake and to the many families and friends who helped serve the tea throughout the wake.
We cannot express deeply enough our appreciation to our Priests of the Parish Canon Micheal Crawley, Fr. Aidan McCann who both attended Pat. To Fr. Sean O’Neil who celebrated a beautiful Funeral Mass, also Fr. Sean Moore, Fr. Paddy Hughes and Fr. Gerard Cunningham who called to our home.
We thank especially the doctors and nurses in HDU Unit Daisy Hill Hospital who cared for Pat with such compassion and care and indeed his own GP Dr B. Watters and staff. To the Marie Curie Nurses/Carers, Anne’s Home Care and Keady Distract Nurses who cared for Pat in his home throughout his final days.
We thank Pat’s friends of Derrynoose GFC for their guard of honour which was very much appreciated.
To the choir for their beautiful music and also to Pat’s nieces Cathy Crozier and Edel Moore for their instrumental and singing during the Mass.
We thank Paul and the Sacristan Team for preparing the chapel for the Funeral Mass. To Carlines Treats and staff (Newbliss) for providing the post burial refreshments and to the Parish for the use of the hall.
We are indebted to Bridget Mone, Funeral Directors and team for their professional, compassionate and dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope this acknowledgment will be accepted by each and every one who helped our family in any way as an expression of sincere appreciation and gratitude.
Pat’s Month’s Mind Mass will be held on Sunday December 17, at 11.30am Mass in St Patrick’s Chapel, Keady.
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