We the family of the late Patrick (Paddy) Greene would like to thank all who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
To our kind neighbours, family, friends and everyone who called at the house, sent Mass and sympathy cards, brought gifts of food, attended the funeral or helped in any way at the time of the wake, your kindness and support was very much appreciated.
To all who cared for Paddy, especially in his later years, in particular the staff in Willowbank surgery, Ann’s Homecare, Dunlarg Care Home, Enable Care and the district nurses, we are grateful for everything you did for Paddy.
To Madden Raparees GAA for their guard of honour and assistance during the wake, we thank you. Also, to the Madden Ladies Committee for the use of the community centre and providing refreshments after the burial.
We wish to express our gratitude to Fr Sean O’Neill for his pastoral care and spiritual guidance offered to Paddy and for the beautiful Mass he celebrated.
To Catherine Grimley Hughes and Dermot McCusker, a special thank you for the beautiful singing and music which enhanced the Mass greatly and we would like to express our thanks to Helen Loughran who faithfully brought Holy Communion to Paddy over the years.
To Barry and Matthew Hughes for their practical assistance in setting up the wake, thank you.
To Damian Smith and Sons Undertakers we wish to thank for their professional guidance and a special thank you to Richard Emerson, the grave digger, who prepared Paddy’s final resting place with such care and attention.
As it is impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a sincere token of our appreciation.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the intentions of all.
Paddy’s Months Mind Mass will be held in St. Joseph’s Church Madden on Friday June 28, at 7pm.
May he rest in eternal peace