McGuigan, Noreen (Drumadd Green, Armagh). The family would like to thank most sincerely all those who sympathised with us on our recent loss.
We would like to thank those who cared for Noreen especially the Friary Surgery, Dougan’s Chemist and Enable Care.
Also a special thanks to those who visited/telephoned Noreen as her health declined.
We offer our heartfelt thanks to the family and friends who visited the home, brought mass / sympathy cards,gifts of food (including Cordelia’s), telephoned, wrote letters or posted condolences online, attended the removal and/or the Requiem Mass, we were greatly comforted by them all.
The family wish to express sincere thanks to Fr McAnenly for attending Noreen at home and for the beautiful Requiem Mass.
Thanks to Canon Fee and Fr Emmanuel at the arrival.
We wish to thank the Cathedral choir for singing at the evening mass after the removal.
To Patricia and Orla for the music and singing at the Requiem mass and to those who participated during the mass.
Thanks also to the sacristan and gravedigger and finally our heartfelt thanks to Hugo and Sharon of JJ McArdle Funeral Directors for the professional and caring manner with which they carried out our mother’s wake and funeral.
At the risk of failing to mention someone we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere token of our appreciation.
Noreen’s Month Mind Mass will be in St. Patricks Cathedral on Friday 4th March at 7.30pm.
Mass can be viewed on the link below
“Our Lady of Lourdes pray for us.”
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