The family of the late Nano Henry nee Dunbar, would like to thank everyone who sympathised with them on their recent bereavement. To all who sent Mass and Sympathy cards, called to the Funeral Home, attended the funeral or helped in any way.
Thank you to everyone at Meadows Family Practice, Ann’s Home Care and the staff at Daisy Hill Hospital.
Thank you also to Fr. Brian Fitzpatrick for his spiritual guidance and for celebrating Nano’s Requiem Mass, to Sinead Willox and Aine McKee for providing the beautiful music and to Quinn Bros. Funeral Services.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our sincere gratitude.
Nano’s month mind Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday August 28, in St. Anthony’s Church, Craigavon at 9.30am and in the Church of St. John the Baptist Drumcree, Portadown at 7.00pm.