Nugent, Michael. (Keady) Michael’s wife Breda, son Gary, daughter Nicole and the entire family circle wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to all of the following subsequent to their very sad bereavement:-
Those who sympathised with them and attended Michael’s wake and funeral.
Those who brought/posted mass and sympathy cards, telephoned, messaged or posted online their expressions of sympathy.
Our wonderful family, friends, work colleagues and neighbours whose help was invaluable over the wake and funeral and indeed throughout Michael’s life.
SAFE Fuels for their kindness and generosity.
The many individuals and local businesses who brought gifts of food to the wake.
The ladies who made and served tea.
Those who contributed floral tributes.
Those who travelled great distances to be with us.
Fr Gerry Campbell who provided abundant pastoral care to Michael over the past number of years and for celebrating a very fitting and beautiful funeral mass.
Fr Mckeever who ministered to Michael often during his illness and administered the Sacraments of the sick.
Fr McCann who concelebrated the funeral mass.
Fr McAnenly for attending the wake and his friendship with Michael over the years.
The sacristons who prepared the church for the funeral mass.
Catherine and Dermot for the wonderful music which enhanced our funeral mass.
We are indebted with gratitude to the Doctors, Nurses and Health Care Professionals involved with Michael throughout his illness. Notably his GP Practice Staff Team, McKeevers Chemist, Keady District Nursing Team, the Community Pallitaive Care Team, Newry Hospice Staff Team, the Oncology Team and Staff in the Mandeville Unit CAH.
We were overwhelmed and humbled by the many people who stood out in solemnity and respect for Michael as we made our sad journey to the chapel on the morning of his funeral. Not only was this a testimony to Michael’s popularity but also to your reverence.
Many thanks to:
Granemore Football Guard of honour.
Rossmore Golf Club Dignitaries and Members for the extremely overwhelming and emotional guard of honour.
The gravedigger for preparing the grave.
The Caledonian for the beautiful post burial refreshments.
Mone Funeral Directors for the complete compassionate and professional handling of all the funeral arrangements.
And finally, to Michael’s Faith Family and Community who were many, joined together in Christ who prayed fervently for Michael and his family during his illness. May our Good Lord reward them in Abundance.
We assure you all of the above are greatly appreciated.
At the risk of failing to mention someone, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a sincere token of our appreciation.
Michael’s month mind mass will be held in St Patrick’s Church Keady on Monday June 26,(Novena Mass) at 7pm.
Contact us via email marketing@ and our dedicated team can help you choose a fitting tribute.
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