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Acknowledgement for the late Michael ‘Mickey’ Duggan (Blackwatertown)

Duggan, Michael.

We the family of the late Michael Duggan wish to express our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to family, friends and neighbours who supported us during the loss of our precious father, son and brother.

We would like to thank all those who called to the house, sent mass cards, provided food, helped at the wake, sent floral arrangements, sent messages and attended the funeral.

A special thanks to Fr David Nugent for the beautiful mass to celebrate Michael’s life and for Fr Barry Matthew and Fr Emmanuel for attending both the wake and funeral.

Thank you to Siobhan Robinson and Damien for providing such beautiful music during the mass.

We would also like to thank NI Ambulance service for providing care to Michael the day he passed.

To the staff at The Priory- Benburb, thank you for providing such a lovely lunch after the service.

Finally we would like to thank Martin Kelly- Funeral Director for his compassion towards us as a family and the dignified service he provided for Michael.

As it is impossible to thank everyone, please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our gratitude.

Michael’s month’s mind mass will be on Monday 24th March at 7pm in St Jarlath’s Church, Clonfeacle, Blackwatertown.

Our Lady of Medjugorje pray for him

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