Toner, Mary Rose.
We the family of the late Mary Rose Toner RIP wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to everyone who sympathised and supported us during the recent sad bereavement.
To our wonderful family, friends and neighbours who left food, helped at the wake, called to the house, sent messages of support, mass and sympathy cards and who kept us in their prayers we thank you all.
We would like to acknowledge the doctors in Friary Surgery, the Keady District Nursing Team and especially the team of carers who helped look after Mary Rose in her home so diligently and compassionately over the years, we as a family appreciated it greatly.
Sincere appreciation to the soloist Catherine Grimley Hughes and the organist Dermot McCusker for their singing and music which enhanced the mass so beautifully.
A special word of thanks to Fr Greg Carvill who provided spiritual guidance to us as a family and celebrated the funeral mass. To the sacristan Liam King for preparing the chapel and Richard Emerson the gravedigger who so carefully and meticulously prepared Mary Rose’s final resting place.
Thank you to Mone’s Outside Catering who provided the refreshments in Ballymacnab Hall afterwards.
Finally, to Damian Smith Funeral Undertaker who supported our family with compassion and professionalism throughout this time.
We are mindful we may have missed out some people but rest assured we appreciated everything and everyone who helped us and continue to support us a family.
Mary Rose’s month’s mind mass will be celebrated on Saturday October 5, at 6:30 pm in St. Patrick’s Church Ballymacnab.
May Mary Rose rest in eternal peace.