Graham, Mary.
The family of the late Mary Graham wish to thank their extended family, friends and work colleagues for all your support given to us during our recent bereavement. Their kindness in calling at the wake, sending mass cards, phone calls, texts, and messages of sympathy on social media posts as well as attending our mother’s funeral was all greatly appreciated.
Thank you to the staff of Enable Care, Ann’s Home Care, Abby and Natalia, Natasha and Dominica who all cared for Mum, a special mention of thanks to Abby from Enable who cared for her from day one. Additional thanks to Macmillan, Dr Mullan and all the staff at the Integrated Care Team, Banbridge.
They extend their sincere appreciation to Fr. Des Loughran for the beautiful Funeral Mass and to the Tullylish Church Choir for their uplifting singing during the mass.
Thanks to all the staff at McAlinden & Murtagh Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified way in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. Your help and support have been a great comfort during this very difficult time.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we hope that this acknowledgement will be accepted by all as a sincere token of our gratitude. Please know that everyone’s kind words and support were very much appreciated.
Mary’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Friday October 4, at 10.30 am in St. Patrick & Colman’s Church, Laurencetown.