Campbell, Mary.
We, the family of the late Mary Campbell, wish to express our sincere thanks to all those who sympathised with us during our recent bereavement.
To all those who attended the wake and funeral, brought food, sent mass/sympathy cards, telephoned, messaged, posted their condolences online, we are very grateful.
We thank our relatives and friends for their help and support during this difficult time – your kind actions and words of comfort were greatly received.
To all the staff at Corkhill Care Centre we extend our profound gratitude for the care and attention given to Mary throughout her stay.
A special word of thanks to Fr Eamonn McCamley for his support and for celebrating Mary’s Requiem mass. To all those who participated in the Liturgy, prayers of the faithful, offertory procession and reflection, we thank you.
To Caoimhe Loughran and accompanying musician we thank you for the very moving music and singing which greatly enhanced the funeral mass.
Finally, we wish to thank PJ and Patrick Quinn for their help and support, and for undertaking the funeral and grave arrangements with such dignity and professionalism; and to the grave digger for preparing Mary’s final resting place.
Mary is forever loved and greatly missed; may her caring soul be granted eternal rest.
“Sacred Heart of Jesus – Pray for her.”
Mary’s months memory mass will take place on Sunday January 7, 2024 at 11am in St Patrick’s Church, Dungannon.
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